Tuesday 29 September 2009

2nd Mood board on the world of our film

After recieving feedback from the class they said that this was a "more effective poster as the colours and images relate to the world of our film, they also added that the first mood board shown looked more like a magazine than a mood board, the mood board made now reflects Alfies lifestlye and his past where it links in with his character motivation.

Moodboard- The world of our film

This mood board was designed to show the world of our film and how we see it. Using images and words from magazines and the Internet we had to make it relevant to our story and theme. The mood board below has an aspect of each characters life their likes, their dreams, their childhood, relationships etc.
The top half of the mood board relates to our character, Alfie the image of Cheryl Cole represents his relationship similar to Cheryl Cole's were she has been publicly betrayed and cheated on. The image of Chris Brown another celebrity is used to reflect elements of our characters, after being branded a "psycho" for beating his girlfriend for being over protective we thought this could be reflected in the way Alfie acts towards Marie. The images used on the middle left hand side of the poster is related to Alfie's character as these images are based on his dark, abusive background where the bottle represents his dads alcoholic obsession leading Alfie to have a corrupted life. The fire represents the hatred anger revenge feeling towards Marie's deceiving relationship with Johnny it also symbolises the fact that Alfie uses fire to set lite both characters Johnny and Marie. The words and images used below on the mood board such as, "attraction", "heart", "love", "lovers","love with two men", "love triangle" link in with the relationship between Johnny, Marie and Alfie they were once used between Alfie and Marie and then changed to Marie and Johnny. The images of the phone and schoolbag and key items within our film which help to move the narrative along, as Alfie goes down Marie’s bag to get her phone, where he finds Johnny on her call list. The images of Alexa Chung and Taylor Swift in evening gowns represent Marie’s interest in fashion whereas the lap dancing and sexual images show Johnny’s interests and an aspect of his womanizing character. The shadowed models face shows a fixed intense expression, which looks quite evil, which we felt would be an appropriate facial expression Alfie would pull when he see’s Marie and Johnny together. The voodoo doll is sometimes seen as a typical prop in a thriller/horror genre and also the image of fire suggests our colour and also our key theme in the story.
Alfred Hitchcock is probably a big inspiration to the world of our film as his movies focused on the thriller genre. He uses pace to build suspense such as the “Physco” shower scene, and we feel pace could help us create suspense and tension in the audience in our film.

Talking to the Cast

From all the annonuncements made so far I have had pupils approach me for more details on what is actually going on.
From both years 12 and 13 many boys have asked about the roles for Johnny and Alfie I have four boys; Vikram Kumar, Krishna Apajee, Tanvir Uddin and Mahir who will be asked to join for a meeting held Wedensday After school to let them know more about what the story is about and more about the character they will be playing.

To play Marie's role only 3 girls have replied; Areeha, Sereeta, Shahida they are also asked to join the meeting held after school, wedensday in the study room.

Character Profile On Alfie

Alfie Sted
Aged 18

- Alfie had a very tough childhood were he was never home and had to face a dark side to his childhood which he has never revealed.
-His father had a alcoholic addiction were Alfie use to get abused quite alot and has been through depression in his teenage life.
-he has witness his brother get stabbed to death which left Alfie effected in such a way where he was traumatised
-after moving from Brough to brough alot had helped Alfie change his thoughts and motive in life, after attending secondary school Alfie began to socialise more but he always had doubts about every person.

-In many of Alfies primary schools he was bullied, he was an easy target for other students to pick on him and harass him about his family situations
-After moving and attending secondary school life changed for Alfie.
he began to communicate well with others but was always concerned about getting too friendly with most people, (as he felt that who ever he grows close too will betray him and loose them forever).
-He is not all that educated as most things done in life Alfie stood up on his own two feet and had to cope with it, he hardly had support from his parents and family so he grew up as an independent young boy who worked as a part time waiter at a local restaurant.

-horror/thriller movies
-Jay Z music, R n B
-fascinated in science
-linkin park band
-his guitar

-people who lie
-people that ask him about his parents
-people you think they are superior to everyone else

Alfie Dreams to have a family and work to serve his wife and kids and give them all the love he can ever give, provide any type of materials needed and never let them experience what he went through.

-always serious, can never take a joke
-always has a negative attitude
-easily disturbed



Script 1st Draft

The camera opens the scene with a few shots of MARIE and JOHNNY, getting a bit too intimate and slightly sexual. A sense of panic overcomes MARIE as she starts to worry about her boyfriend ALFIE.
MARIE: JOHNNY babe, we’ve got to stop now. It’s getting a bit too much. Imagine if ALFIE finds out, he’ll kill me.
JOHNNY smiles and goes to kiss her neck and MARIE pushes him away.
MARIE: JOHN, honestly you don’t know what he’s like when he loses it, I don’t know if I can deal with it anymore.
JOHNNY: Babe, stop being so worried about him all the time. The kid’s a pyhsco I don’t know why you’re even with him.
MARIE: Listen, it’s not as easy looks ok. Sorry, I’ve got to go now.
JOHNNY: makes his way towards the door, seeming rather frustrated. He goes to open it to find it has been locked. He shakes it and tries to open, still with no luck.
MARIE: Stop messing with me JOHNNY.
JOHNNY tries to open it again still with no luck. He shakes the door and then the lights trip out. (Both JOHNNY and MARIE let out screams.) You can hear the taps start to drip and the chemical trays start to shake. The sound of footsteps can be slightly heard.
JOHNNY: MARIE stop moving we need to think of something ok.
MARIE: Sorry I’m just trying to find another light or something.
Footsteps sounds are heard slightly again.
JOHNNY: MARIE I said stop moving for a minute ok.
MARIE: JOHNNY that wasn’t me, I haven’t moved
The lights flicker and come back on. JOHNNY and MARIE look at each other with a confused look over their faces. They both start walking around the classroom in a stressed daze, looking for anything.
JOHNNY shoots MARIE an unimpressed expression and casually strolls over to where she is standing in the door way of the cupboard. He looks over her shoulder to see a can of petrol and matches lying across the floor.
JOHNNY: (Speaking to MARIE like she’s a child) We are in a science lab. Ever go through your head it’s probably one of their stupid experiments they haven’t put away properly.
JOHNNY shakes his head and walks off, leaving the scene to fade out.
Newspaper report
ALFIE is sitting on the bench looking extremely upset and mournful.
VOICE OVERBarking Abbey School went up in flames last night after fire, took a blaze to the school science labs. Sadly, two pupils of the school’s sixth form died in the fire, yet are still unable to be identified. It is thought this fire could have been a planned arson, according to reporters on the site this morning….(Fades out).
This scene shows multiple flashbacks of JOHNNY and MARIE innocently flirting and spending time together, whilst ALFIE looks on a distance.
ALFIE and MARIE are walking across the playground together and an argument is beginning to arise.
ALFIE: don’t care if all the girls are going your not. Why do you wanna go out if I’m not there anyways you no that club is always full of boys.
MARIE: But Alf…(He interrupts her).
ALFIE: Not a chance MARIE, if I can’t go nor can you.
MARIE’s phone begins to ring and she answers it.
MARIE: Hey babe….. (Giggles)…yeh I’m fine…I’m just a bit busy at the moment ok babe, I’ll call you back! (Giggles and hangs up the phone).
ALFIE: And who was that?
MARIE: Just one of the girl’s babe. (MARIE looks in her bag and realises she has forgotton something.) Ah crap! Babe take my bag I just gotta run back and get my book I left in class ok.
MARIE passes ALFIE her bag and runs back. Once out of sight ALFIE goes into her bag and pulls out her phone. He goes to the latest calls were he see’s the last received call was JOHNNY.
ALFIE is still sitting on the bench looking distressed now, (same as SCENE 3) and holding the picture.

Monday 28 September 2009

Finding Cast

Finding cast is a crucial part of pre production. We need to ensure that the cast selected would be perfect to fit in to the role given. To find the correct cast rehearsals and auditions must take place.

So far, I have asked the drama teachers to make announcements to their year 13 and 12 pupils as an older looking cast is required, they are asked to allow the students to know that Me and my group are looking for efficient, reliable and skilled students to act on Alfies, Maries and Johnny's role. I have also made announcements in the common room and put up notices on the common room notice board to both year 12 and 13 students to ask anyone if they are intrested.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Cinematographer Style

Watching the clip on Cinematographers has opened up my mind more into how will my film look and is it creating the right atmosphere for my audience. One of the members in the clip say how

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Inspiration from other media products

Within this trailer there is many inspirations we can use for our short film. Firstly, the love triangle can be reflected through Marie, Johnny and Alfie, and especiall the jealousy which can be displayed through Chuck Bass's characters facial expression, body language and dialogue, which can be paralleled with Alfie's character. Also the style in which these scenes are shot, for example a shot of Nate and Blair with Chuck looking on, or vice versa, would work very well in our scene as it would display a clear character motivation for Alfie whilst being simplistic, yet effective.

Film Obsessed..

Obsessed, is a film which is based on a flirtatious affair turning extremely pyscho. One character becomes obsessed with the man she fancies, and won't leave him alone, always getting jealous of him and his wife, and later on in the film tries to hurt his wife. This can be mirrored in how Alfie is so jealous and obsessed with Marie and how he causes physical revenge to express his anger and emotions.

Song Obsessed..

The song is based on a boy who's obsessed with a girl, where the theme of obsesivness can be reflected in Alfie's character towards Marie.

Hithcocks Psycho..

It's typical of ALFRED HITCHCOCK to use the "thriller" genre for his films, and we used this genre to help create our red story.

Tuesday 22 September 2009


Cinematography & The Inspirations Behind..

Cinematography is combining art with the image of the shot to bring it to life. Through the use of lighting, mise-en-scene and camera, the world of the film can be created. Through the cinematography the tone of mood of the shot is created. It is translating ideas into images and expressing a story within a space. Krzysztof Kieslowski says of his film making that it is interesting but hard work. In his trio of scenes, “Three Colours” he uses a key element in each to keep the scenes connected. He keeps the source of sound in the scenes, for example the flute in “Blue” and the harmonica in “White”, ambiguous until the action of the scene finishes to suggest the character is brought into this world through the action. Kieslowski also uses close ups frequently in his work to show the action through the characters eyes. The close up shows what they are concentrating on and what within the scene is important to them. We could use this technique in our film to show the main focuses of Alfie’s world which can also show his revengeful motivation. A close up of Marie and Johnny holding hands could be his main concentration as this is the only thing he is bothered by in the scene as it angers him. The close up rejects everything surrounding in the scene and brings us into the characters world as we see things from their perspective. Also, from Kieslowski and his example of “the sugar lump shot” we see the importance of detail in cinematography. Even if the minor details are shown on screen for a minimal time they need to be perfected to create the best effect. In our film, we can use this detail for when Marie finds the matches and petrol lying on the floor, by making sure everything is perfected correctly, and is shown for the right length of time.
A respected cinematographer whose very un-Hollywood approach has come under hot demand is Chris Doyle whose films include “Bare Witness”, “2046” and “In the mood for love”. Doyle believes western cinema is for people who cant understand film so it is shown step by step in an idiots guide, whereas in his films he prefers for the audience to discover what he is saying. Doyle uses the mood of his film in the setting, like in “2046” when the cracked, ruined, textured walls represented the loneliness. In our film, our main use of setting is the science lab. This setting matches the thematic unity for our mild thriller and also matches the isolated, suspecting mood we want it to create. A key technique Chris Doyle uses in his cinematography is “the dance”. Filming without a tripod he uses the dance between the camera and the actors to engage the audience. There is no set rhythm which allows the scenes to be more intimate with the actors. It would be effective if we opened our film using this style of camera work when we film a flirtatious, sexual scene between Marie and Johnny. The intimacy of the filming can be reflected in their actions. Colour is also a way which cinematographers can suggest emotions. A red mist can be used to create a sense of anger, which would be effective if we put this in our film when showing Alfie’s anger and frustration, and also through make up and costumes as colour can effect the mood of the scene.

Character Profile On Marie

Marie Delarosa

Aged: 17

-Lives with her mum and dad
-her dad ran away with his girlfriend when she was 3
-has a step sister aged 8, all the attention from the parents has been focused on her so Marie looks for love, affection, attention from the opposite sex (boys).
-she feels rejected by her dad so she wants male attention

-popular, well known
-has 2 best friends
-passed her GCSE’s
-bright student
-works well
-had a good educational life

-going out
-recording films
-always up to date with fashion
-her cat (Pookie)
-retail part time job
-T.V soaps (Friends, Hollyoaks)

-Step dad and sister
-the change in her mother
-two faced people
-fears the dark

*Wants To Stand Up On Her Own Two Feet, Go To University, Get Married Work As A Journalist And Bring Up Her Family And Live Her Life

-very bubbly/talks to everyone
-kind/down to earth however ambitious
-Creative likes to use her imagination, escape from reality
-a great sense of humour

-hard work pays off
(Key to success)
-values her cat
-has faith in God
-believes her dad is going to come back for her.
-values friendship the most

-able to communicate well with others
-an understanding person
-loves to read and write

-can not let go of the past
-finds it hard to express her emotions

Character Profile On Johnny

Johnny Smith
Aged 17

- lives in a nuclear family
which consists of: his mother
his father
and his younger sister
-has had everything his way
-spoilt by his parents (this is what he thinks makes him superior to others)

-passed GCSE’s
-works well particularly with people on his own level or as an individual
-Johnny also gets outside school tutoring to help gain more knowledge
-passed AS levels
-popular and gets on with every girl

-going out
-fashion (up to date on his fashion, very trendy)
-out late
- people that want to be his mate because he is rich and popular
-likes to talk about himself

-people that copy his style
-people who beg
-being told what to do
-not getting what he wants

His Dream Is To Live Off His Parents Wealth And Be A Millionaire By Just Sitting Around!

-bubbly with the ladies and the teachers
-lives for himself

Beliefs and values:
-believes his parents are the 2 best parents you could ever have
-values his mother the most as she always gives him what he wants and somehow manages to convince his father too and she supports him through thick and thin
-believes inheriting his fathers wealth would help him through life
-values money
-has faith in God

-his mother and fathers support
-excellent with playing football
-working as an individual

-he has no weaknesses as he believes that nothing can bring him down

Slideshow On Pitch And Feedback

Monday 21 September 2009

Obsessed By Mariah Carey

Second Pitch...

Our story starts when, one night after school Marie and Johnny, two school friends who have always had eyes for each other, slip away to the science labs and have started to get a bit too close. However, Marie starts to worry thinking her high-school boyfriend Alfie will find out. She tells Johnny how her relationship is not how she wants to be and is ruined with his jealousy. This conversation will be kept simple, but she will confide in Johnny how it affects her. She knows he will go insane so she suggests to Johnny they make a move. As they retreat Johnny finds they have been locked in. Marie thinks he is messing with her until he starts to panic and shakes the door. Suddenly the lights black out, the trays of the lab start shaking, and the taps slowly begin to drip. The couple start to be become more and more curious as Johnny swears he hears footsteps. It’s then when Marie finds something as she walks into the cupboard. An open box of matches and can of petrol are lying across the floor. She begins to freak until Johnny reassures her they are in a science lab, and it is probably the part of some experiment. The story then skips to the next morning where newspaper headlines are flashing. A voice over will then play to tell that two school children were killed last night in the suspicions of a non-accidental fire whilst a very mournful looking Alfie is sitting in the playground holding a picture. The camera will zoom into his eyes and then a flashback scene will start. Different clips of Marie and Johnny innocently spending time with each other, for example walking to class, will show and then cut to Alfie looking on, with his angry and frustrated emotions clearly on show. The flashback will then show Alfie and Marie walking along together, bickering that Alfie doesn’t want Marie to go out partying the weekend especially because he can’t go, when Marie’s phones rings. She talks on the phone laughing and giggling and then hangs up. Alfie asks who that was and she says one of the girls. She passes Alfie her bag to hold while she runs back to get something that she’s left behind in class. Alfie waits and once Marie’s out of sight he looks down her phone, to see her last received call was Johnny. The story then jumps forward to the present where Alfie is still sitting holding the picture.

The First Pitch...

Story Relating With Colour RED
Our story starts when, one night after school Marie and Johnny, two school friends who have always had eyes for each other, slip away to the science labs and have started to get a bit too close. However, Marie starts to worry thinking her high-school boyfriend Alfie will find out. She knows he will go insane so she suggests to Johnny they make a move. As they retreat Johnny finds they have been locked in. Marie thinks he is messing with her until he starts to panic and shakes the door. Suddenly the lights black out, they trays of the lab start shaking, and the taps slowly begin to drip. The couple start to be become more and more curious as Johnny swears he hears footsteps. It’s then when Marie finds something as she walks into the cupboard. An open box of matches and can of petrol are laying across the floor. She begins to freak until Johnny reassures her they are in a science lab, and it is probably the part of some experiment.The story then skips to the next morning where newspaper headlines are flashing. Two school children were killed last night in the suspicions of a non-accidental fire. A very mournful looking Alfie is sitting in the playground holding a picture. He looks lost in between two worlds. A friend comes over to console him. He confides in his friend finishing the story by telling him at least this way Marie will always be his.

Feedback After The First Pitch

1)How did your story link towards your theme colour red?
Our story linked in with the colour red firstly through the theme of lust and sexuality. This is shown in the relationship between Marie and Johnny’s characters. The fire that takes place is also key to our “red” theme. Also, the aggression and anger of Alfie’s character and his motivation to seek revenge also expresses our “red” theme.

2)How do your characters develop throughout the story?
Even though there are three characters in our film, the only character will really see develop is Alfie. The story seems to be about Marie and Johnny at first yet as the plot unfolds we realise it is Alfie’s character seeking his revenge. His jealousy has caused him to act this way, and his obsessive love for Marie and insecurities drive him to start the fire.

3)During the flashback are you going to show Marie and Johnny together?
In the flashback we will see Marie and Johnny together so the audience gets an insight to how their relationship progresses. We will show them walking to class together for example or talking in the playground a little flirtatiously, so the fling is a prompted idea for the audience yet not a definite.

4)Is there going to be character motivation for Alfie’s character?
In Alfie’s background he has been lied to and betrayed before so he feels like he can trust no one. We show this through the way he acts towards Marie. He is jealous of the attention she gets from other boys, especially Johnny as he knows he’s a flirt. He see’s Johnny’s flirtatious action towards Marie, like always making a beeline for her as an example, and this angers his insecurities causing his jealous actions.

5)During the flashback are you going to show the audience how Alfie’s character finds out about the secret love fling and how will you do this?
Like said before we will show shots of Marie and Alfie walking to class together etc, and then a shot of Alfie looking on to suggest he suspects something. Through his frustrated body language and facial expression we can see his anger boiling up. We could then show him finding a letter from Johnny in Marie’s bag or texts from him on her phone.

6)How are you going to be able to get your cast members to show the physical affection that Marie and Johnny share?
To show the physical affection between these two characters we decided it would be more able to achieve if we cast a couple who are already in a relationship as there wouldn’t be no awkwardness for them to film. If not, casting actors who are willing and confident in a very slight “touchy” scene. However, if we can’t find actors who are comfortable to film this we will use dialogue to show a flirtatious sexual element to their relationship.

7) How are you going to give audience insight into characters personality and background?
The key to showing Alfie’s character will be through the flashbacks as his jealousy will show the motivation for his actions. We get an insight to Marie’s character in the opening scene when she is talking to Johnny about Alfie’s possessiveness. From this we learn of her need for independence and some freedom, as her cheating shows her rebellious side towards Alfie. Johnny’s character is seen as womanising and moral-less through the way he acts towards Marie, showing his selfishness, suggesting he is used to getting his own way.

8)When filming the scene where lights blackout how are you going to still film in the dark and be able to show audience the action is still taking place?
As the scene is filmed after school there will still be some natural daylight, so the blinds can be opened. If there is not enough light to see the action then we will add to the scene that the lights only trips out for a minute or two and then comes back on.

9)Is there enough dialogue between Johnny and Marie in the first scene to show scene progressing and action taking place?
We don’t have enough dialogue in the opening scene to show the style of Johnny and Marie’s relationship. The dialogue we add in this scene could be for Marie to tell Johnny about Alfie’s pyhsco ways and how it affects her. However, we will not get to in depth as we don’t want to use too much dialogue and keep the story simple.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Friday 18 September 2009

Film Poster Scrapbook...

In order to create a film poster which will successfully represent the world of our film, I reasearched many different fonts, film posters, colours and credit blocks in order to be able to develop the stages of creating our film poster.
The fonts I found all have a similar style and are all strong characters that are bold and often look rough and parts faded out. This fits a typical thriller convention as these style of fonts hold a mysterious element. They appear tough and I personally feel the "28 Days Later" would work well on our poster, as it stands out, looks rather rough and suits a thriller genre.
When researching idea's for our poster, me and my group decided that we would like to have Alfie's face covering half the poster. This idea was used on both the "Waz" film poster and also "Frailty". The "Waz" poster especially represents the style and effect we want our poster to display. The dark lighting falling across the characters face with his hood up, creates mystery and also makes him appear quite menacing, which is the impression we want Alfie's character to create. The "Dark Knight" film posters also use the idea of covering half of the characters face, however using symbols. We thought we could use this idea incorporating our films key props of the lighter our even possibly a petrol can. The dark lighting with focus on the main characters face is also an effect we wanted to use on our poster. The intimacy between the characters on the "Twilight" film poster is the relationship we would like to show between Marie and Johnny's character, even though they will only be in the background. We decided Alfie should take up the foreground of the poster to show he is the films protagonist and to build suspense. In both the "KIDS" and "Kidulthood" film posters the lighting creates the kind of atmosphere we want for our film poster. The dark, gloomy atmospher creates suspense and mystery and also highlights the focus of the main character.
I decided on dark, dull colours such as blacks and greys, for our poster as this fits our thriller genre and will also make our text which will be in red, stand out. We decided on red as this was our inspirational colour for the film and will contrast with the darkness of the poster which emphasises the suspense and mystery.
For the setting of our poster, in our group discussion we decided that the most appropraite setting for our movie poster would be a desolated dark corridor. This way we could use both Johnny and Marie's characters in the poster, as well as Alfie in the foreground without the poster looking too cluttered.
I looked at multiple different movie posters to get idea's for credit blocks. It seemed that the majority of thriller credit blocks were fairly similar and kept rather simplistic which I thought would work on our movie poster as not to draw attention away from the main focus. Unlike the "Ocean's 13" movie poster, we decided to use a typical credit block, because the "Oceans 13" credit block fits super well into the style of the film and the house style.
An idea we had for our poster was to make Alfie's eye stand out as their is a key scene in our film which focuses on Alfie's eyes. I thought we could add flames into Alfie's eyes to give the audience a clue about the events of our film. It would also add mystery to the movie poster and possibly intice the audience and interest them.

Rough Visual Of Ideal Poster

Using the research done on existing posters for one of the main posters we as the group really liked the idea from poster "Waz", as we feel that it has a hidden identity type of look which instantly relates to Alfies charcter. After recieving feedback the auidence said that "the building in the back needs to change perhaps into the other two characters, "Johnny and Marie" and the charcters name need to be adjusted somewhere else on the poster plus the tagline needs to be added". After addding the changes to the poster this was the final idea..

Research On Existing Film Posters- Thriller Genre

In order to create the perfect posters for my film, I did some research on how existing thrilller posters look, many poster below are very intresting and caught my eye that second like "Waz", the idea of half of the characters face showing looked very appealing as i would like to create some sort of suspense, creepy kind of poster so that not all the film's storyline is given away. The poster from film "Hitcher" also looks very effective as again it creates the suspense kind of feelinf towards the target auidence and again doesn't give too much away. Both films "Deception" and "Awake" have the different characters in the background and thats something I also intended to do, this allows the audience to know theres a lot more happening in the storyline then they know which makes up the thriller genre type of poster...

Mood Board