Tuesday 29 September 2009

Moodboard- The world of our film

This mood board was designed to show the world of our film and how we see it. Using images and words from magazines and the Internet we had to make it relevant to our story and theme. The mood board below has an aspect of each characters life their likes, their dreams, their childhood, relationships etc.
The top half of the mood board relates to our character, Alfie the image of Cheryl Cole represents his relationship similar to Cheryl Cole's were she has been publicly betrayed and cheated on. The image of Chris Brown another celebrity is used to reflect elements of our characters, after being branded a "psycho" for beating his girlfriend for being over protective we thought this could be reflected in the way Alfie acts towards Marie. The images used on the middle left hand side of the poster is related to Alfie's character as these images are based on his dark, abusive background where the bottle represents his dads alcoholic obsession leading Alfie to have a corrupted life. The fire represents the hatred anger revenge feeling towards Marie's deceiving relationship with Johnny it also symbolises the fact that Alfie uses fire to set lite both characters Johnny and Marie. The words and images used below on the mood board such as, "attraction", "heart", "love", "lovers","love with two men", "love triangle" link in with the relationship between Johnny, Marie and Alfie they were once used between Alfie and Marie and then changed to Marie and Johnny. The images of the phone and schoolbag and key items within our film which help to move the narrative along, as Alfie goes down Marie’s bag to get her phone, where he finds Johnny on her call list. The images of Alexa Chung and Taylor Swift in evening gowns represent Marie’s interest in fashion whereas the lap dancing and sexual images show Johnny’s interests and an aspect of his womanizing character. The shadowed models face shows a fixed intense expression, which looks quite evil, which we felt would be an appropriate facial expression Alfie would pull when he see’s Marie and Johnny together. The voodoo doll is sometimes seen as a typical prop in a thriller/horror genre and also the image of fire suggests our colour and also our key theme in the story.
Alfred Hitchcock is probably a big inspiration to the world of our film as his movies focused on the thriller genre. He uses pace to build suspense such as the “Physco” shower scene, and we feel pace could help us create suspense and tension in the audience in our film.