Monday 23 November 2009

Poster 1 Draft 3

After making all the changes, this is what the first final poster will look like.

Friday 20 November 2009

Poster 1 Draft 2

After taking in consideration what my target audience had to say about the poster I made a lot of changes, the title had changed and had a double meaning to it, I.C.U- I See You and I.C.U- intensive care unit, in the hospitals due to what happens to the characters the tagline also linked in with the title and created a housestlye of the genre of the film, this is what a lot of my target audience liked however the colour red may need to change, the change in the style of the characters names were much better and looked more intrested and so did the change of Alfie's eye, the red in the eye payed no signifcance.
Overall the poster looked much better and very intense and just needs a credit block.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

First Draft- Ancillary Task Poster

After viewing the first poster the audience were very critical towards the red eye effect in Alfie's eye alongside the fact that the tagline looks like it has randomly been shoved on to the poster, the film name needs to be changed and so does the colour and style of the characters name.

However a lot of positive feedback was given such as the main image of Alfie in the foreground of the frame with half of his face blocked of gives a very good image to the dark side of his character and that Johnny and Maries pose and body language of them not paying no notice to anything and just minding their own business works well with the image.

Monday 9 November 2009

Student Timetables

After letting the teachers and seceraties know about the absencses its essential for us as the crew to have a copy of each cast members timetable handy as sometimes during post production there would be urgent points that the cast would need to know about and one way in doing this is directly finding where the student is from their timetable and letting them know. This helps being time consuming and is a very organsised performance.
Emine Hassan's Timetable:

Kieran Roberts Timetable:

Danny Martin's Timetable:

Getting All The Cast And Seeking Permission Too...

After Finding the perfect, reliable cast we needed to gain permission from the year head and inform the secretaries at the main office, about the student absensces and inform them that all 3 Year 10 students Kieran Roberts, Emine Hassan and Danny Martin will not be attending lessons as they are filming but would still be on school premisis so for health and safety reasons it is very crucial and important to let staff know about this.

Email that was sent to the main secretaries:

After Letting the Secretaries know about student absencses it was important to contact Mr. Moloney, year 10 head co-ordinator and also inform him:

Mr Moloney's reply:

After receiving the reply from Mr. Moloney he makes a very important point about the cast even though they are helping us with our filming its our responsibility to remind them that any work/deadlines/coursework missed they must catch up with it and should be handed in as soon as possible and its vital not to lose out on any work.

Call List

The Call List Sheet is used for keeping in contact with All Teachers, cast and crew all the information provided on the sheet allows everyone in the team to stay in touch with one another and if any problems arise theres a call list with every member of the cast and crew so everything during pre production, production and post production is managiable.

Prop List

Scene 1:
-Petrol Can
-Boy's Jacket
-Girl's Bag

Scene 2:
-Newspaper (Pre-made with headline)

Scene 3:
-Different Costumes
-School Bags

Scene 4:
-Mobile Phone
-Girls School Bag

Scene 5:

Location Recce

A location Recce is a crucial stage of pre production as a location recce allows you to see the pro's and con's with your desireable loaction.
Here are some key aspects when doing a location recce that should be considered:

1. Take lighting into consideration
2. May have to look out for any ambience sound as that could be picked up by the microphone
3. If that specific area is always in use by students/teachers
4. If shooting outside be aware of cars
5. As shooting is taking place in the school we have to be aware that other lessons are still taking place so voice level would have to be in control
6. On most locations power supply is not avaliable due to filming outside in cooridoors and hall ways.
7. Would have to watch out from uneven floor surfaces
and theres many more pro's and con's that could effect your film so the location reece is used to help overcome these problems and make it easier for both Cast and Crew.