Tuesday 8 December 2009

How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning construction and evaluation stages?

Through out all the stages of production technology was used regarding everything. In the early stages of pre production while doing research and planning towards the storyline and the type of genre our film fits in with, the main primary source we used was the internet. The internet now has made a great influence on each and every individual as so much information is retained by using these webistes. Another type of factor used through the internet were search engies such as "google"and "ask jeeves", websites such as and plus were also used in order to upload power points, clips, songs get URL's for images and http codes for our blogs to show research, planning and construction towards the final media product.
At the start of the media production we were also introduced to our new log books the blog, ( we were asked to sign up and register an account with the blogging website so we could use it and submit any type of work done towards the media products.
The blog functions in a way in which it allows us to add on labels for example, "cast list, prop list, storyboard,script, ancillary tasks etc..." were then we add on all reserach and work done to that specific label and upload work on to it. The blog also was the biggest useful site to help us communicate with each group member and also gain feedback on any work done. The departmant blog ( which had been set up to stay on top of all our work and allowed us to keep up with deadlines and check for any work which needs to be due in.
While producing a film i got a chance to develop my ICT skills further as some of the tasks invovled me to actually connect different types of media camera's "the sony still cameras and the Cannon HD filming cameras" to the computer and upload on images and footage to either blog or work on using the editing software "Adobe Premier". We also used different windows programmes such as Microsoft Word, which was used for any typing up, Microsoft Publisher, which was used to create the first draft of the film review and a newspaper article which was used as a prop in our film and finally the crucial programme that was used was adobe photoshop, this software allowed us to create the perfect posters as the effects,layers,adjustments and filters on adobe photoshop help create the professional, organised layout. Adobe Photoshop was also used to make the final touches to the film review by adding on the drop shawdow to the images like seen on the real independant critics magazine and it helps to create the perfect layout.
Master classes were also set up before our filiming dates depending on what your role was you would have to attend that class to get final tips on how to for example, my role was the camera operater so there was a chance to experince new skills with the camera such as how to control a hand held camera, use the auto focus and the zoom controls and find out about the other functions on the camera which would help us if anything occured during production.
Last of all the last type of major technology that was used in the whole production was during post production, when we moved on to editing our films we used the new software Adobe Premier due to all of us being new to this software we again had a master class on how to use the editing tools, even though most of it was similar to the old editing software Avid, Adobe Premier allowed us to do more to our films, there was a varitey of more effects avaliable on Adobe Premier and it was possible to make one type of sound louder than the other.
However summing up all that was learnt through the technolgy aspect of the media production new tips were picked up and now they have allowed me to adapt them to other subjects and I feel that I have a whole new sense of the technologies avaliable to me.