Monday 14 December 2009

Shooting Schedule

Above is our ideal shooting schedule planned carefully for both days Wedensday and Thursday, we are hoping to go according to the plan as theres a time limit and there will be may interference with the filming production, due to the fact that it is set in our school and theres other students and teachers who are still around the building and the bell would also be going off.
We hope to film scenes 1,2,4 and 5 within day Wedensday as thats when the science blocks would be free and so would locations 2 and 5 which are located directly outside the science rooms, this means less moving around and being more time efficent. Scence 4 is also a quick short snappy scene used just to add more character motivation and development to the narrative.
If all goes well on Wedensday, Thursday will be used to film 3 scene as it seems to be the longest scene with a mixture of locations in order to show the flashback. However if any problems occur when viewing our rushes as we hope to finsh before pack up time, there would be enough time to go back out on set and make any adjustments that need to be done.