Monday 14 December 2009

Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

All 3 media products have a relationship between each other and work together to promote the film. The stage in which the film is promoted is, first it sells itself using the posters created to target the audience about the featuring film, the posters font, colours, tagline, title and the location of where the poster is placed helps the audience to acknowledge that the film is ready to be seen and sells itself to the target audience who are interested in the genre of thriller/suspense. The posters use colours such as reds, blacks, greys and oranges to add the fiery, mysterious, suspense and tension building atmosphere towards the target audience who are interested in the thriller genre it also works with the film as the film uses dark and dull colours in its cinematography to add in the psycho, corrupted touch towards the characters motivation in the story. The font style and title "I.C.U", also has a great influence to help make all 3 media products work together. The style of font was used from website named psycho, the creepy, loony looking font style works very well with the characters motivation and development in the storyline of the film helping it create the mad, demented atmosphere to the film and poster. The title I.C.U is very convincing as it has a double meaning, the effect of this leads the audience eager to know what the film is about as I.C.U stands for abbreviation of "I See You" and at the same time means "intensive care unit" which are located in the hospitals and as seen in the film there’s a serious accident that takes place and relates to it. Linking in with the title the tagline also has a very energetic effect towards the poster, "who do you see because... I.C.U" as the film is based upon a creepy character that had a very disturbed background causing him to stalk his own girlfriend leading him to kill. This shows the thriller aspect of the storyline and interests that type of audience. The location of where the poster would be placed in order to promote itself definitely had to be taken in consideration as the poster wouldn’t be placed in a high saturated fitness suite as it wouldn't appeal to that type of target audience as their interests and hobbies would vary to someone who is interested in the thriller genre. Therefore our poster would be promoted in places such as back ally ways, billboards in rough neighbourhoods etc... Places such as the common room as the age group we are targeting our film at lie here. The film uses dull dark colours such as greys and blacks like mentioned before which are seen in scenes 2 and 5 this therefore triggers again the target audience who are interested in the thriller genre as you wouldn't expect to see high bright saturated colours. In scene 3 and 4 the flashbacks, this shows a real connection between the film and the poster as flashbacks use the black and white effect which is shown throughout the posters, here you can clearly see how both the film and poster work together to create that house style and I feel the audience would immediately when watching the film relate back to the movie poster and identify that they come from the same film.The film review also works as one of the family members towards the film and the posters, the final stage of when releasing a film is to then review it and express how you felt about the film and as the target audience if it met your expectations. We decided to review our film in "independent critics” magazine" as it focuses on giving brief reviews from different view points. It shows a multiple of reviews on one page films from all different kinds of genres this shows that all kinds of ages are targeted by this specific magazine and this would help still promote our film onto other media products such as DVD'S, blue ray, internet, video on demand, sky/ntl and then eventually on T.V, even though some people may feel that after reviewing a film on to a magazine/newspaper that’s the end but the effect of this still leads into continuous promotion and making the public aware more about your film and to those who are interested into thriller films.Statistics also show that the UK population visit the cinemas at an 8th ranking out of 78 countries.