Monday 14 December 2009

What happened on the filming day!

Wedensday 14th October 2009:

We started to film scene 2 and 5 first at the start of our day in order to allow us more time with the other scenes.
When on the way to the set to film scene 1, in the science rooms we were told that the same rooms had been overbooked meaning we couldn't film in our desired location as there were other students already using that room. To overcome this issue we decided to skip scene 1 and move on to scene 4 and used the rest of the afternoon to film scene 1 in another science lab which looked similar to the one we were ment to film in and it was free. As filming did not go according to plan we then had to continue filming scene 1 into the second day.

Thursday 15th October 2009:

On the second day due to the classroom we had filmed our first scene on not being free we moved onto scene 3, the flashbacks and deicded to get that out of the way first. We started with the areas of school which got busier during the day as this was shot before school time (08:30), the locations were checked before moving there incase the same issue as day 1 had appeared. We filmed as many shots as we could manage until second lesson (09:30) as thats the only other time we would be able to finish scene 1, once this had been completed we finished all our scenes and realised that scene 2 needed to be filmed again as one of the props, the newspaper was missing therefore we filmed the last bit during the afternoon and all the filming was done in both days even though a lot of time was wasted due to the problems that had been raised.