Sunday 13 December 2009

Workshop On How Effective Sound Is...

During the sound masterclass there were a variety of video's and tasks set up in order to realise that a film without sound wouldn't create the same effect as a film with sound and sound effects.

From the website below theres a lot of essential points which came useful in pre production:

We also watched a clip on youtube on sound and they express how sound is very good in adding realism, it gives emotional residence to the clip, they also pointed out that "The auidence will generally tolerate unclear video, but they will never tolerate unclear audio"> they used this theory on us as the audience who watched their clip and we realised that what they said was true, as all of the class had got irritated with the bad audio. They also added in that "you should control sound like you control light", this enables you to control sound as a stylistic device and you could do more to it.

We also watched the trailor of The Ring, during all three viewings we first, muted the sound to see the effect without sound, then we just listened to the sound and watched a blank screen and the third viewing we played it using both sound and image. Here we realised that most of the viewers listen to the sound and watch a blank screen rather then watch the clip without the sound. This automatically showed the effect sound has on its auidence and that it does add emotional residence.

The last task held was listening to a soundtrack and coming up with our on visual story to match the action, the soundtrack that had been played was the "Memoirs Of Geisha" and my narrative of the story was:

a story about a young girl getting ready and goes out of her house into her villiage greeting everyone she meets daily and is off for a long walk to a place that no one knows about apart from her, but when she gets there theres something not right and the camera focuses on her in the middle of this desserted place spinning and slowly zoooming out creating a birds eye view and then leads into the next scene.
This shows the effect of any type of sound with any clip, it can be parallel or contrapental, diegetic or non and even sound effects.